Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sunday derivin and a 3ft. map

Sunday Derive video

3 ft. video

The first video is my derive in which I wanted to capture a little bit of the essence of being on the road... the music, the wind, the randomness of sites and feelings, the changing sky and weather patterns - this is truly a love relationship for me - one that never fails...I have been a wanderer by nature - as a kid it was however far I could run, walk, ride my bike - I'd run away at least every week just to see how far I could get and how much freedom I could find in those journey's... now although I still love biking, running and walking there is something very special in the open road...To know that I can pack up tonight and surprise my grandmother in Boston tomorrow - just to see her face...or go to the mountains just to change my perspective a bit and add a little something to the week - there is a processing, clearing, cleansing aspect to these spontaneous journeys that never leaves me questioning my unscheduled methods. Psychogeography - I felt that I knew it personally and connected to it instantly.


My 3ft. video was an observation of a small patch of fish in a nearby creek---it turned in to a meditation for me just watching their movement, their natural flow, their patterns. I, hovering above them, observing their whole world...this 3ft space is their world and all the movements were their traces of life. I also enjoyed feeling out the audio tracks, layering in nature over was relaxing and also meditative - the overall them I guess for my swimming fish friends.


  1. Rachel your video was really enjoyable. I particularly liked the interaction between the sound of the water and the sounds of the birds. Which creek was this shot in? I think there is something going on here with not only the sense of hearing but also the sense of touch. It's almost like you can imagine yourself standing in a cool shallow creek with the water gently pushing against your legs. I feel like this particular aspect (touch, texture, feeling, etc.) of "psychogeography" could be looked over easily. What if you did a derive entirely based on how the ground felt underneath you?

  2. Man, you made me want to take a road trip. A really long one with no sense of time and place to be.
