Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Derive On A Bike

I decided to go for a bike ride and do my derive. I am really not familiar with Gainesville yet so this was a nice way to cruise around and see what exactly makes up the area I was wondering through. I have included as well what the text on the map says since the text is pretty small. Enjoy.

I took off riding my bike and was drawn to the colour of this van. “Sweet Water Brewery...great beer,” I thought. So I decided to head where the van was pointed.

Cacti in the yard, never seen that before. But I took a left and rode through the neighborhood. I came upon this empty lot. Out of place considering the type of land consumption happening for housing here.

Across from the empty lot was a contemporary, minimal house. Almost passed by this one since it seamlessly fit into its surroundings.

I have never thrown my shoes over a cable before, always wanted to but never did. Not sure its that gratifying.

Down from the shoes I came across some post boxes in colours I have never seen before. Two in the same neighborhood along with everything else I observed. Interesting area with many charms.

Logan Marconi


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wonder if this experience made you understand your new town more as you said it was a chance to get to know it? Feel like the images could be from almost anywhere.

  3. Yes, I wonder what your thoughts might have been after the ride was over and you 'took in' your new home.
